Dave Van Dyke & I have been best buddies since 7th grade, and I continue to be inspired by his depth of insight and amazing artistic (and musical) abilities. He recently wrote a great article for ACIMblog entitled Hold A Perfect Vision. Here’s a poster “Going Home” that Dave did quite a while back using conventional “analog” air brushes, and subsequently reworked to add the lens flare using digital techniques. The full size image is stunning; a large reprint from zazzle has been adorning my mother’s home (she’s a fan of his work, too) for several years. The smaller images don’t really do complete justice to all the nuances, but it gives a flavor…
Dave recently launched a new site that showcases more recent work using 3DStudioMax and other contemporary technology. He is truly gifted in the realm of 3D graphics and animation; check out his (archived) Z-Axis Graphics website!